Homeless Management Information System
Homeless management information system (HMIS) is a client-management program that we use while providing services to the homeless. Continuums of Care (CoC) can choose from several different companies who have developed an HMIS, but only one system is used within the CoC. All the HMISs have the same essential data elements of personal information and services used by homeless men, women, and children. Since it is a web-based program, it can be used from most computers connected to the internet.

Who uses HMIS and Why?
Organizations who work with homeless populations either directly or indirectly may choose to participate in HMIS for case management, avoiding duplication of services, electronic referrals, or other similar collaborative activities. For example, in many Continuums of Care, local organizations who provide food, utility, and rent assistance use HMIS.

Any fund recipient and sub-recipient of Continuum of Care, Emergency Solutions Grant (domestic violence shelters may be exempt), and Supportive Services for Veteran FamiliesPrograms must use HMIS. Other governmental grant recipients may also be required under specific conditions.

Benefits of HMIS:
Why do we want to expand HMIS use in the Continuum of Care?
The more information we have on our homeless population, the better. HMIS provides critical data to assist in the evaluation of our homeless programs. Homeless Advocacy for Rural Tennessee looks forward to the day that we no longer have a homeless population. To achieve this goal, we must examine the effectiveness of our collective homeless programs to ensure that the homeless population is receiving the proper services required to get them into a stable housing environment.

With the collected data of our homeless population, HMIS becomes a key tool for providing the information that aids our civic leaders and communities to understand the scope of the homelessness in our region and the services that are still needed.

HMIS Data and Federal and Local Governments:
The personal information on the clients is kept within our Continuum of Care. No government agency has access to the information contained within. We do, however, provide raw numbers to the Department of Housing and Urban Development that are pulled from the HMIS. These numbers are required for the preparation of the Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress.

How To Participate:
  • A computer that meets these technical requirements:
    • Windows 7 or 8
    • Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome internet browsers
    • Preferred to have more than single-core processor with speed 2 GHZ or higher
  • Internet access.
  • Agree to the Continuum of Care’s memorandum of understanding regarding system administration, client confidentiality, security, and training.